Sunday, February 17, 2013

Psychic Developement: Creating a Soul Mate Journal

 Since this month has a strong focus on love, I thought I would share some of my rituals that helped me create a wonderful life for myself and kept me going through tough times. An important experience in psychic development is creating journals. Journaling is one of my favorite rituals because it gives me the opportunity to flow with my intuition without hesitation.  As a clairvoyant it is sometimes difficult to memorize everything that comes to my attention. The information can come in fast and furious causing me to write trigger words in shorthand that will help me later recall all the details visually. Journaling also helps in discovering new abilities, insights and possibilities. It is truly magical.
  When I made a conscious decision to connect with my soul mates, I started a journal that I filled with visions, dreams, desires, discoveries and experiences with my soul group. I started out focusing on a romantic soul mate then found a natural expansion into all soul relationships in my life. Doing this helped me start to break free from previous limitations.
  One of the best things about journaling is that it doesn't have to be expensive. You can find basic journals at Michael's Craft stores for $1. If you are like me, you might like to pick out a journal that reflects your current focus. I recently found this lovely journal that I plan on using for expressing gratitude for my soul mates and soul group affirmations for various rituals throughout the year. Another nice thing about this journal is that it lies flat open on your selected page.

If you consider yourself a Dark Romantic, you might like the Desire journal.  I bought this lovely journal years ago and it is still one of my favorites. It has some beautiful art and quotes within its pages.

Do you have favorite affirmations and visualizations for your soul mates? 
Feel free to share them.

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