Friday, February 22, 2013

The Wizards Tarot


This week I have been really enjoying working with the Wizards Tarot by Corrine Kenner. The beautiful illustrations were created by John J. Blumen. This deck has a magical school theme that seems to be  inspired by the Harry Potter  books. Even if you are not into Harry Potter, this is a fun deck to work with.  Each card has a unique expression and is rich in detail.
 The 241 page Wizards Tarot Handbook will be your guide for the Mandrake Academy. You will find helpful information on each of the Academy proffesors represented in the Major Arcana. Each professor will give you a lesson that will help you develop your own special magic. Many of the professors have unique tarot spreads to assist you in your lessons.
  The Minor Arcana will introduce you to the other students at Mandrake Academy and give you the opportunity to use your practical magic. There are four schools of magic (represented by the tarot suits) that you will be participating in. The elemental guardians of the Academy (court cards) will also be there to assist you in your learning.
 If you are interested in a fresh approach to the tarot, I think that you will really enjoy the experience of this themed tarot deck and book. This is currently on sale for 34% off, so click the link above if you wish to add this to your collection.

Make sure you check out my weekly reading using this deck on The Joyful Oracle YouTube channel.

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